3000 Kondome verstopfen Abwasserleitung
Wie DemeraraWaves heute meldet, haben 3000 Kondome zu einer Verstopfung der Abwasserleitungen in Alberttown (USA) geführt.
“The sewage was practically gushing,” Sanitation Supervisor Wayne Langford is reported as saying. “Immediately we noticed a number of articles including clothes, concrete, and a significant amount of condoms amongst the sewage. (…) We were fortunate enough to locate the huge blockage below Sixth and Light Streets before sunset,” he said, adding that “it was then that we noticed an enormous amount of condoms which clogged the system. (…) The debris was so large in number that the entire team was called in to remove the massive amount of condoms – my team counted over 3000,” stated Langford. “Even the residents looking on were stunned to see the amount of condoms found in the blockage.”
Das ist in der Tat rätselhaft – denn man muss sich das mal praktisch vorstellen. 3000 benutzte (?) Kondome an einer einzigen Stelle im Abwassersystem – wobei fairerweise davon auszugehen ist, dass es unzählige mehr geben muss, die ordentlich (also via Haumüll) entsorgt wurden. Was sagt uns das über die Bewohner dieses Stadtteils?